Keep waiting...

So to those of you who have been following closely enough to realize that yesterday was two weeks after the Fire Department test we still don't know. It was bugging Josh so bad that he began to just wish for an answer. He was so wound up after he saw nothing Thursday that he decided to "forget" the no call request and go down to Human Resources Friday if he had still heard nothing in the mail. Thursday he saw the mailman coming up the walk and was out to the mail box in seconds. When only the Ensign came he was mad, then wondered if he was going to be struck down for being so pissed off at getting a church magazine. Friday nothing but bills and insurance crap came so he went down to Human Resources to get an answer on the current dilemma he was in. Turns out they needed two weeks to process the tests and decide who to interview before they sent anything out in the mail. So now we are still waiting... until then keep praying, chanting, meditating, and whatever rituals you think could improve our chances.